Hello, my introduction as the new PT moderator

Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Wicked Garden
Howdy, howdy. As some of you may of noticed, I have been promoted to moderator in the PT section due to lack of mod's here. I usually do my best to try to help out, wherever and however I can. But I am not always the main goto guy for server help, I do what I can.

I'm a nice guy once you get to know me, but I'm also a very blunt, weird individual. If somethings on my mind or catches my eye. I will act upon it if it itches at me.

I have updated the rules section made by [Lexx] and I suggest you all read it immediately.

Remember to check back to the rule section every now and then incase I add or change anything!

I've been in the PT server scene for a quite a while now, while some of you alot longer; I know many of you pretty well, and many of you know me. But don't take me or the rules for granted. I am here to help you guys out, help ragezone and this section, and I am here to help enforce the rules.
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It'd be nice to see a fully compiled thread of all the utilities/programs that have been made for PT private servers... At the moment they're all scattered out, some in 2+ month old threads... And they're actually quite useful proggies.

The current stickies are outdated, except the new Clan System one.
Hey thank you all, and yes Utopia, I believe you are correct, I am still trying to get settled in, but soon enough I will search around the forums, finding whatever I can and compile a thread of it.

Hells, I had nothing to do with your previous ban, that decision was made by people higher up than me. However, there is a rule that states if a banned user comes back for the sole reason to cause grief, or mischief.... even subliminally, action can be taken. So just so your aware, I didn't ban you, but I knew of your previous reputation in this forum, and I will not condone it, I hope you understand, and do your best not to cause any trouble.
Very is good you always deserve you helped the community very =)
welcome HappyHardcore
Wow Happy gratz on mod ^_^
Just decided to get back into PT, like 5 secs ago and then read this lol

That's pretty cool hehe
Lexx was a good mod though, he did a good job one of the best. Hope you're just as good as he was