[HELP]A few questions (web and server) L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 18, 2006
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I have a few questions
1) Is there a script to create a shop like Web Shop (Mu Online)?
2) What is "festival adena"? Does it drop from mobs?
3) I would like to sell items in GMShop for those unique festival adenas. How can I do this? Where can I edit prices?
4) How can I add more festival adenas to char through MySQL (table?)?

Thanks for attention :)

I have a few questions
1) Is there a script to create a shop like Web Shop (Mu Online)?
2) What is "festival adena"? Does it drop from mobs?
3) I would like to sell items in GMShop for those unique festival adenas. How can I do this? Where can I edit prices?
4) How can I add more festival adenas to char through MySQL (table?)?

Thanks for attention :)

Well man....
1 - There is no script, you'll have to create a custom operation for that, i always have in mind that for the operation to complete with success the player MUST be offline...
2 - The festival adena is a Seven Signs participation, its possible to participate when you have a party with 5+ people with max 6levels diff between them
3 - U can do that by adding xml files as multisell (using ancient adena as currency) or by creating a custom quest that shows the available items and their cost in Ancient adena

4 - you can add it by Creating your own custom events (in game), or by creating a date-fixed always dropping event. you should ready the event-medal event for details...

Anything else?
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