[Help] A question about IP...

Elite Diviner
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
Viêòt Nam
Hi all!

First i want to thank Ron for writting a good guide.

1. I've made a Conquer server without bugs. However when i run the Conquer.exe in the server side, i found its IP isnt my Global IP ( . It's my Local IP (Start/run/cmd/ipconfig). . (I've set all IPs with my Global IPs)

RedMG - [Help] A question about IP... - RaGEZONE Forums

2. I created an Account without setting its password, then connected to my server. I wrote the account, but the password
didnt appear.

Thx Ron - Thx all for replying my post! Thx u for helping me
PS: My English is not good! I'm sorry!!!
Put your account name here. DO NOT put the password. Leave all the other fields blank. The password for the account will be set when you login. If you put a password here, you will fail to connect to the gameserver when you try to login
I did like u had written , Ron! But when i connect to the server, type my account name, however i can't log into game. I cant find my password of the account!
You're supposed to put a password when you login, but not when you make your account. The password can be whatever you want it to be.
Thx Ron for replying to my post rapidly. I will try....^^
PS : Sorry for my bad English !

Thx Ron very much for replying to my post rapidly. I will try....\

i have the same problem like RedMG. My Global IP always changes.
Example : Yesterday it was, but today it is;(
I configed all IPs in neccessary files with my Global IPs after checking them at WhatIsMyIP.com.
My server ran, i created my own account. But i cant connect to the game.
It has an error called "Connecting failed due to server maintenance or internet congestion. Please re-login later." I've read Ron's FAQ, however i didnt set up any firewall programs in my PC. All Ports that Ron had written, i opened.
Plz help me! Thx all very much. Sorry for my English...! I want to play :(