Yes or SKIll Summon invocation baium just for king ^^,its not impossible

Gm add skill for PJ King ^^
add condition summon golem siege for the biaum(skill xml)
add template id action name skill in actionname-e.dat and in DB npc skill for new npc with template id baium type(l2pet).
add mobskillanimgrp.dat new id pet with animation skill
and skill name eddit skillname-e.dat for invocation ,new id add id skill xml with conddition and db skill id +lvl
EDit *.dat with fileEdit.exe ver5.6
IF for pet collar eddiitemname-e.dat for ICOn and type new id
itemname-e.dat for name item and id new item.
just small exemple of my server
exist for player

((((sorrrryy for verrrryyy bad english )))