[HELP] Adding Npc`s and items

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 29, 2004
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Where MU was created...
HI... For a few days now i was trying to set up my own WoW server.... Today it was a success but i found out a problem.... There are no NPC`s and when i try to use the command .additem it says that there is an error... If anyone knows a better way to set up a server.. with all the working links please help, i dont know what im doing wrong.... t.y.:sweatdrop :sweatdrop
no , i mean i tried adding items to my character by using the command .additem but it still didnt work... and i thought that when i start the server all the npc`s would be in it...
erm... ok i`m a total noob, where do i find what db am i using? and about the item id, i looked for them in wow.allakhazam.com
Don't look for the itemID there.

Use lookupitem like so;

.lookupitem Bloodfang

*it will show all items with 'Bloodfang' in the name including the ID's*

Choose an item

.additem *Item ID*

Also for sets

.lookupitemset Bloodfang

*That search will prob only come up as rogue t2 unless you have custom - will come up with an ID infront of the name like lookupitem*

.additemset *itemsetID*

Hope this helps with your items

Here's to add mobs

.lookupcreature Cow

*will list creatures with 'cow' in the name and will show up an ID*

.addspw *creatureID*

Dadumm!!! a cow has been born
ok thx... just tried it... looked up for swords... ok tried add it... added... looked up for itemsets... found arcanist regalia... tried to add it... didnt... is there a possibity that you know why there are no npc`s?
If you don't see any NPC's, there are one of two problems. Either your Mob DB is empty or your Spawn grid DB is empty. Either way you need to get a new db, or reinstall the one you got with the repack. Assuming you have MaNGOS, and the official versions not the TBC releases, you can download what is called a full SDB release.