[help] AE Problem

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 13, 2007
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ok, i start the server using locator and matchserver. everyone else sees each other but all i get is AE im not using the im using my ip but i tried both still didnt work. so how would i fix it so i could see everyone?
i did all the above lol they are killing each other and im always AE its pissing the hell out of me...i want to get it fixed...i think the porblem in locator b/c that fixed the poeples other AE but not mine..
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i just did port check this is what i get i imagine i need gunz port 8900 opened for me to see poeple i port forwarded it still not working.
No response from MSSQL (1433 TCP) (ip)
No response from HTTP (Apache - 80 TCP) (ip)
(ip) GunZ Server Port 1 (6000 TCP) OK!
No response from GunZ Server Port 2 (8900 TCP) (ip)
(ip) GunZ Server Port 3 (6000 TCP) OK!
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well for ur router use username: admin password: admin if that doesnt work just put password as admin and it should work unless the person playing with ur router is stupid...but anyhow i know the problem my port 8900 itsnt working and i want to know how to fix it b/c of that....how do i get port 8900 running b/c when i dont have matchserrver and locator running the ports close so how could i run matchserver and locator with having thoughs ports open?
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I have AE error 999 , too . I'm using DaVD GunZ Fix AE , GunZ Server July , International Client , but = 999 AE TT
I;m from Vietnam so I can't use Hamachi , can use another ?
Sorry for my English .
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