[Help]Anti Spawnkill L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 7, 2006
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i wonder how i can set a antispawn kill thingy, like a player spawns and you can attack him but dont take any dmg untill like 20 Seconds or that the player moves, Types, Use skills!

is it away to do that?
Just be aware that you should never set the time to 20 seconds or more because the player will be invul for a certain period of time. 4 seconds may be enough.
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Just be aware that you should never set the time to 20 seconds or more because the player will be invul for a certain period of time. 4 seconds may be enough.

If a full party is waiting at the 900 range point , then 4 secs may not be enough. Lets say around 8-10 secs, because your char appears first on the server, and then on your screen (if you know what i mean ... internet connection + hardware = response time). Anyway ... imo 8-10 secs guarantees a NO-tp-spawn-kill :biggrin2:.

yes ... in your alt settings

Hmmm ... the setting is in the "other.properties" file
Swompen - [Help]Anti Spawnkill - RaGEZONE Forums
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I presume that your question was answered.So Im moving the thread to the appropriate section.Next time try to post to the appropriate section.
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LOL make a custom .. Guard :D with hp =)) and some wep +++

I saw some pvp servers with guards, but the problem was that the guards were posted around the tp-spawn and a archer or nuker could kill you from range, without having any problem from the guards. So tp-spawn invulnerability is better then tp-spawn guards.
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I saw some pvp servers with guards, but the problem was that the guards were posted around the tp-spawn and a archer or nuker could kill you from range, without having any problem from the guards. So tp-spawn invulnerability is better then tp-spawn guards.

the owner of the server didn't know how to make a good guard.

LOL make a custom .. Guard :D with hp =)) and some wep +++
it doesn't need to have +bow lol just you make the status more like attack defence speed and so on :P

Just be aware that you should never set the time to 20 seconds or more because the player will be invul for a certain period of time. 4 seconds may be enough.

the best time is 10 seconds becuase if you try to teleport in a far away place you will need more time to go. :P but this is depending from the server and your computer :P

yes ... in your alt settings

if you see he wrote about spawn kill. in the altsettings you can make the char invisible when he is loading from a teleport. but here want to stop spawn kill.

For me put in altsettings the 10 seconds make a powerfull guards and put karma players to drop items. becuase i have seen many to take spawn pk (guards kill them next) but their friends rez them so if you put to drop items they will think first and then they will hit. :P
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