[Help]Apache Problem L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 2, 2005
Reaction score
I have the following programs:
Java runtime
mysql installed
navicat(mysql editor)
pack c5 l2j server

Follow with me

First i start mysql server:
pnxbill - [Help]Apache Problem - RaGEZONE Forums

Then I open Navicat and look the sql files:
pnxbill - [Help]Apache Problem - RaGEZONE Forums

Then I click in start on server files:
pnxbill - [Help]Apache Problem - RaGEZONE Forums

Few secconds and appear this weblink:
pnxbill - [Help]Apache Problem - RaGEZONE Forums

I click in 1st option, but not appear the l2j website o0 :
pnxbill - [Help]Apache Problem - RaGEZONE Forums

After this, i try to open login server, look:
pnxbill - [Help]Apache Problem - RaGEZONE Forums

pnxbill - [Help]Apache Problem - RaGEZONE Forums

Then when i return to navicat, the mysql server cashes, because i've opened the start.bat file:
pnxbill - [Help]Apache Problem - RaGEZONE Forums

Pls Helpme, 2 years ago i made a l2j server, but today i am so confused S:

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Re: Look here, pls =D

What do u start with the start.bat file oO Not the Login Server and/or GameServer oO

Whats your MySQL Version?
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Re: Look here, pls =D

man i kwon what happend (I GUESS) if u run STAR BAT u cant run NAVICAT o if u run NAVICAT u can run STAR BAt, because all use the same files...

But i dont know that is is u problem, if i help try to use Mysql, Server and Tools

Srry if im Wrong but NEVER i see this error!
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Re: Look here, pls =D

why don't you look in the forum...It has almost 5++ guides about how to make a server...
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Re: Look here, pls =D

Please remember that titles like "look here pls" or "help" or "im stuck" classify as spam titles and will be treated as such. Please read the l2j section rules before continuing to use this section.Title prefix corrected and thread moved to the correct section.

- Brandon
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