help! ArbiterServer startup problem

Junior Spellweaver
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
Where to check AccountServer?

2022-12-19 05:31:16 Post-Processing Start [LeaderBoardDataSheet]
2022-12-19 05:31:16 Manager Async LoadData Begin...
2022-12-19 05:31:16 Loading Trade Broker Items...
2022-12-19 05:31:16 0 Items Loaded.
2022-12-19 05:31:16 Loading Trade Broker History Items...
2022-12-19 05:31:16 Done.
2022-12-19 05:31:16 New LogFileWriter Key[2800] PlanetId[2800] ServerType[20000] 12-18 21:30
2022-12-19 05:31:16 Manager Async LoadData End... Elapsed Time : [0] seconds
2022-12-19 05:31:16 PerformanceCounter::GetCpuUsage pdhStatus errorcode: c0000bba
2022-12-19 05:31:16 Waiting to connect AccountServer...
2022-12-19 05:31:24 Waiting to connect Account... Failed
2022-12-19 05:31:24 Waiting to connect Account... Failed
2022-12-19 05:31:24 Waiting to connect Account... Failed
2022-12-19 05:31:24 Waiting to connect Account... Failed
2022-12-19 05:31:24 Waiting to connect Account... Failed
2022-12-19 05:31:24 Waiting to connect Account... Failed
2022-12-19 05:31:24 Waiting to connect Account... Failed