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[Help]Boat glitch]

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 7, 2006
Reaction score
Hi i've been noticing my freinds slidding of the boat wen there on with me how do i fix this and the boat moves very fast i think... they stand on boat but once the boat moves they slide off but they said there still on how do i fix this thanks in advance
Sounds like ordinary graphics lag. Common in most 3D games where you move really fast together. The position data don't really catch up with what's rendered and it seems like your friends fell off the boat. Have seen it in almost every MMORPG I've played. As long as all end up on the same location I usually don't bother if their toon disapear for a minute or two :)
I had it working before, but i did a fresh new database i dunno how i fixed it before some one posted a code how to fix it duno whati t was