[Help]Can anyone... L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Can anyone tell me the link to download the latest Panter's Pack 143Final?

I need because I have to update my server and there are over 400 players playing there, so I need it please.. :(

And can you upload it to download?

Thank You!
Re: Can anyone...

why you work with panters, he had a good server pack but he isn't work now(i think) use another server pack like oneo,Vault,domuk....
Re: Can anyone...

wronk post man here try to tipe this on his topic !!! go there and in the first page you will see there or ask him where you can find !
Re: Can anyone...

I worked with Panter's pack because it includes al client side and it was very good!

My server is for C4 but ill do another for C5... At the moment i don't know what is the best serverpack (including clientside) in this forum (Yes.. I used Search but i didn't found nothing interesting.. :( )

Can help me??

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