[Help] cant connect to GunZ Server -.-

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Experienced Elementalist
Jan 15, 2007
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near my neighbours
Hi guys
my problem is, that i can't connect to GunZ serv.......so the launcher loads till 96% and stops -.-
and then i can wait a long time and it wont go on to load -.-

btw. i used search and found nothing -.-

(sry for my bad english^^)

mfg Cam
Problems with the orginale client or pserver?

If its an pserver dont use the launcher of IGunz, it will update the files you added. Like the system.mrs. So you cannot connect after.

If you need an launcher to start your gunz.exe

Make an file named GunzLauncher.ini
Place this in it NO_UPDATES [it must be in caps]
and save it.
and try again.
You will get an message of Update Cancelled or something like that. And can hit the start button.
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is the problem with the launcher or with the server status
"Cannot connect to server" ????
hey Camouflage ,
if you wanna make your server runs 100% without any lags or errors?
try LegacyGamers Client or July Client

LegacyGamers client :
its the only website xP
cuz the other LegacyGamers links removed!!
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