[Help] Changing monster behaviour

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Experienced Elementalist
Dec 15, 2006
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im trying to make some monster to be active....actually wat i wan is, pulpikan or erlen (monster in bughye) to be active i.e when they saw a player, they start to chop them not like currently, just ignoring player untill the player start to chop on them.

from the searched, i found this thread


but unfortunately, i cant follow his instruction...pls help someone....
Re: [HELP] Changing monster behaviour

errr...i cant find 00 18 as benxz said...i dunno weather its an address or value....
Re: [HELP] Changing monster behaviour

ooooppsss...just found it.

its an address....lol
sorry for the troubles...
Re: [HELP] Changing monster behaviour


now my mobs is aggresive as they can be.....
start to chop at whoever they saw, especially clorence mobs, no need to chase them anymore...lol

thousand apologies for double posting...
Re: [HELP] Changing monster behaviour

You could trying editing the creature speed to. Make it fast. Will make the game interesting. You need to edit on the client side too for this.
Do think of game balance before you proceed though.

err...which file in client i have to edit?

lemme test 1st for the speed of creature, if i think its suitable then ill leave it be.... but if not, ill revert it back....
Re: [HELP] Changing monster behaviour

You can even change the monster type. By default Chemos is not demon type. If you change it to demon type the HK's Demon Hunter skill is 200% more effective :woot_jump:
Re: [HELP] Changing monster behaviour

You can even change the monster type. By default Chemos is not demon type. If you change it to demon type the HK's Demon Hunter skill is 200% more effective :woot_jump:

That'll make the game really unfair for the rest of the classes. To make the game more difficult make them all lightning based. That will decrease the damages. I kinda use that as an event on my server.
Re: [HELP] Changing monster behaviour


which file i have to edit at the client side for speed of monster?
Re: [HELP] Changing monster behaviour

In my server we could do that because previously in the old IGA server, all hatrel (almost all of them) were demon type.

i have done that, but not by going each of the mobs file, instead.... i edit at the skill itself...raise a new prob...all mobs which is demon type will receive 200% damage from Demon Hunter skill.... headache*

btw, isnt that supposed to happen for demon hunter skill? cos i never play HK b4...
Re: [HELP] Changing monster behaviour

in our old long gone IGA server, does Strip Blast have 100% effective on all mobs...cant remember liao...
cos i wanna edit my server according to old long gone IGA server
Re: [HELP] Changing monster behaviour

Our old server, SB was modified to be 200% effective against all the mobs.. In Epi 1 it was 100% but this was changed in Epi2

Oh and don't worry my server is 95% accurate to the old IGA server. I have gotten help from the old GM Plate and Hepzebah regarding the rates and settings too.

in our old long gone IGA server, does Strip Blast have 100% effective on all mobs...cant remember liao...
cos i wanna edit my server according to old long gone IGA server
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