[Help] charserver.exe error, please help

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Junior Spellweaver
Jan 16, 2007
Reaction score
I'm having a problem with CharServer.exe... everything starts cool but after 10 seconds Char server sends this error:Signal received: SIGSEGV, Server will be closed, Trying to save...

Please help... i never had this issue before >.<
Thanks in advice.
Re: charserver.exe error, please help

Did you shutdown without closing charserv? If so just backup your db's, wipe them to latest SVN and then load up the servers then load up your saved db's.
This fixed my issue with that message, Hopefully this helps you.
Re: charserver.exe error, please help

Thank you man, it did help me. unfortunately i dint saved the db for about 5 hours so i had to do a rollback >.< the issue was with the items on the db :/

Once again thanks :D
Re: charserver.exe error, please help

No problem, I noticed if you just Close the servers before you shutdown completely it saves alot of errors and hassles like this.
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