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[HELP]Client Problems

Apr 11, 2007
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Since I don't have a crc bypass I can't use the July 06 client so I have to use the December version instead.... But the .exe keeps on crashing whenever you try to do anything quest related (e.g. if the shop.xml contains quest items, the game will crash whenever you scroll down to them or whenever you try to play a quest game it will always crash after about 15 sec).

Any suggestions >.<'?
client problems here aswell.

GunZ crashes whenever i enter the equipt menu. i can go into the store, but not the equipt.

this started happening after i enabled quests. although im not sure what is causing it.
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client problems here aswell.

GunZ crashes whenever i enter the equipt menu. i can go into the store, but not the equipt.

this started happening after i enabled quests. although im not sure what is causing it.
Did you buy any quest items?

Try updating the models and/or zitem.xml
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this is irritating me alot.

it only crashes when quest items are the shop/inventory. because if i disable quest everything is fine and the quest items are taken out of my inventory, no crashing. when i enable it though, quest items show up in the shop and in my inventory, causing the game to crash. any solutions?
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