[HELP]Connection Issues

Mar 19, 2007
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I am having a terrible issue. I know many of you will call me a noob and tell me to Search but any search I have done so far has brought me no luck. I am having a connection issue through my router or something else and I seek assistance.

I am currently using MaNGOS v2.0.10 [COMPLETE] server pack. I have my realmlist inside of realmd_bc in NaviCat set to my WAN IP.

I am also running this server through a LinkSys router. I have opened ports 8085, 3724, 3725, and 4200 in hopes of allowing users to connect to my server who are outside of my LAN.

My Windows Firewall is off and my LinkSys router firewall is off.

I have had my friends attempt, in the 'set realmlist ***.***.*.*', to connect to my server using my WAN IP, my 192.168.2.* IP, and my ****.no-ip.org IP. None of these were successful.

Over all, I would like to have people connect to my server who are outside of my LAN so I may build a community and run this server, but I have had no luck thus far. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.