[help]connection probleme

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Hi i just installed tbc server 2.0.8 given by DJRavine...
actually i did everything he said concerning the setup everything is fine for mysql and the database.

i edited my realmlist db in realmd_bc to reflect my internet connection.

still everything from now work perfectly the bug is when i logon...

well its says authentication complete on my realm_bc window and my ip adresse... but on the client i can see that its hanging at the Succes! window.. when i click cancel then it leads me to the retreiving realm list window... then cancel again to go back to the login window...

where and what did i doo wrong...

client version is 2.0.8 too.. so should not b a compatibility problem??? please help !

the router is configured for port forwarding and my firewall as all exeption done and re-verified each day...

but thans for the reminder...

but that have not fixed my problem.