[Help]Create char with max lvl... Possible? L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 14, 2007
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Hello, I have one question. Is this possible that just created char would have max lvl (78lvl) ? And if it's possible were could I edit to get it ? T.Y. for all answers.
I need that all created chars in my server would have max lvl not 1lvl. Is there any table in mysql were could write just created char exp ? or smth. with that ?
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Yes it is possible.It is very easy just modufing java

you know accurately where to edit?

or he is again trying to dissimulate to be “intelligent” saying things that you are not certain?

that beautiful information, "Yes it is possible.It is very easy just modufing java"

your serverpacks are so bad how much you.

I am certain that it did not place the code source of it why its base must be a version shared by dropo

I am not great thing, but also I do not dissimulate that I am.
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you know accurately where to edit?

or he is again trying to dissimulate to be “intelligent” saying things that you are not certain?

that beautiful information, "Yes it is possible.It is very easy just modufing java"

your serverpacks are so bad how much you.

I am certain that it did not place the code source of it why its base must be a version shared by dropo

I am not great thing, but also I do not dissimulate that I am.
You were faster than me...
Cant u be more specific ezeral?
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i don't know right now... but i am sure that is in chartemplatestable.java ;) i will search a lil'bit and say... if i'll be faster than ezeral :-S
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Why dont you make a gremlin giving 2kkk exp and hve p.def lets say 20 hehehe......much easier instead of modifiying your server.
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you know accurately where to edit?

or he is again trying to dissimulate to be “intelligent” saying things that you are not certain?

that beautiful information, "Yes it is possible.It is very easy just modufing java"

your serverpacks are so bad how much you.

I am certain that it did not place the code source of it why its base must be a version shared by dropo

I am not great thing, but also I do not dissimulate that I am.

i AM NOT TELLING YOU BECAUSE YOU SUPPOSE THAT YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT L2J.Come on prove it noob you and papari give some respect to people that knows more than you

All noobs in this forum why?And for my serverpacks if was so bad as your face no one use it but many users use it so get of noobs
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i AM NOT TELLING YOU BECAUSE YOU SUPPOSE THAT YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT L2J.Come on prove it noob you and papari give some respect to people that knows more than you

All noobs in this forum why?And for my serverpacks if was so bad as your face no one use it but many users use it so get of noobs

you consider a great
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Banished didn't do shit in java, he just made custom fixes. And you forgot to mention DaDummy who is one of the main developers on L2J-Free.
Further more, stop this... It´s looks like you all are trying to prove that "my dick is bigger than yours" and that is not why this forum exists.
Do not take insults personally, and help the ones you can.
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i agree with tobywan
this is more like a childish argument about d***s and it doesnt look good at this or any other thread in the forum
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