[HELP] Creating A shield (modded Nelphin Lord) L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 27, 2006
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Well , i want to make my own shiled , it has to be same is Nelphim Lord shield (some of u know it as the Dusk shield of L2extreme .

But on the server packs (i use Delta pack rev 2.4 (based on l2free)) the dusk shield is known as Nelphim Lord shield , it's a monsters only shield , and it's D grade , now i wanna make a shield ; whit whatever name , and own stats (def rate , weight , pdef)

Can someon explain me how do i start , what do i do (server + cleint side)
well.. part of database... just change the stats...grade

client side:
itemname-e.dat : edit name for it
weapongrp.dat. edit texture icon(u should put sword of miracle's icon), and add stats...

PS: u can search for chacina's share... it has anything u want there ;)
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