[Help] Creating Subserver Using 1.02N

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Experienced Elementalist
Apr 21, 2006
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pls help me how to fix this..i made a subserver but when i login ACCNT-A in sERVER 1, and login ACCOUNT B in S2..they can see each other..

HELL_IN_HEAVEN - [Help] Creating Subserver Using 1.02N - RaGEZONE Forums

i login the elf char in Server 2..but still can see each other..

here is my subserver configuration..


ServerName = FNR1-1
ServerCode = 0
ConnectMemberLoad = 0 //
Re: [HELP]Creating Subserver Using 1.02N

i have the dataserver1,dataserver2 and link..pls tell me what to add, what dataserver it is dataserver1 or 2 that i need to add and change port?
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Re: [HELP]Creating Subserver Using 1.02N

creat dataserver3 folder, copy there all form dataserver1, now copty link form dataserver1 and direct it do dataserver3, in link change port for higher like 64, go to GS link with sub and chenge it port of dataserver there to, should works:>
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Re: [HELP]Creating Subserver Using 1.02N

let says my
dataserver1.exe 55960 1
dataserver2.exe 55962 2
dataserver3.exe 55964 3

and my subserver gs is..gameserver.exe 55970 55964 55903
is it correct?
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Re: [HELP]Creating Subserver Using 1.02N

yep should be ok or if not works that way, then is somthink weird with login off, as far i can see you set up form begining that sub server use diffrent dataserver the GS normal so try set up in one dataserver i tested today in my PC and i dont have that you
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Re: [HELP]Creating Subserver Using 1.02N

i made the subserver works, i am just wondering why when i login in diff subserver we can still see each other, using that configuration, pls guys help me fix my problem..
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