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[Help] Custom Skill Ideas, Soon Share. L2J 

Experienced Elementalist
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Hello, i just found out how to make custom skills, im pretty good at it and learned how everything works. All i need now is some ideas on what to make and what it should look like. Post some ideas here and ill try to make it for you.
Hello, i just found out how to make custom skills, im pretty good at it and learned how everything works. All i need now is some ideas on what to make and what it should look like. Post some ideas here and ill try to make it for you.

here's 1 for you ... try to make frintezza's ghost summoning (nightly)/frintezza pause(hero pack) id 5005
it is sayd that frintezza is in a temporarily state of paralisis but why i can;t undesrand is why she has the skill named frintezza ghost summoning
i think the skill is sort of a pause between her normal songs try to make the skill to match it's animation then post some pictures of the animation :)
because i could never make it to work as it should :D
maybe u will suceed :)
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hmmm eve .. the polymorph skill is a buff for the mob :P the way the transformation spawn after the 1st mob dies is from server ... something to do with spawn time and spawn location :)
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Create a skill for typing a text and polymorth skill into specific mob. :PP Can you handle that? :D

answer:99.9% no :)
Lol, why is that so hard? I can do that easy.. unless im thinking of something else.. explain more.

You want me to make a skill that transform someone into a monster of choice? if so.. easy.
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hi there...could you make a skill that makes player looks like a mob of my choice? would be nice to know how - sorry but I#m not that good in developing :/// just a beginner ^^ but i'd like to make some "vampire" skills - so players can change their look into some vampire-mob's look.
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can you make for me festival sweeper from fortune seeker which was removed when kamael appeared? :) ,the icon exists but the skills effect doesnt exist >> xD
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