[help] Dev-ATeam Serv.(1.0.4)

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Im looking for the best blizzlike french burning crusade server possible. I was realy happy to find this repack but i ran into some problems. With a little help from the community im sure we can find some workarounds.

First problem:

Mangosd.exe imediatly shuts after clicking on it without giving a .log file. I thought that there would be some configuration to do in the mangosd.conf but everything looked right. Couldn't spot anything wrong. Directory, path, sql and password everything looks fine too my limited computer knowledge.

To make the server start i replaced the mangosd.conf with the one from DJRavine's MaNGOS v2.0.10 Server [COMPLETE]. It worked after a little configuration and it was producing a .log file. Hope switching files won't create other problems. Pretty much find the workaround here but the original config file add more features in it and i would like it to work very much. Its also good to let the author(s) of the repack know about it.

Second problem:

I did use without any problem the tradfr (the 4 little sql files in the right order) to translate the db to french. When i log in game with my client v2.10.0 fr i get stuff like this. Instead of
I also noticed that there wasn't any working quest (at first sight) in the blood elfe starting region. Is this a bug or a work in progress?

Its a work in progress, and I really can't help much more on the english to french translation... I'd say wipe, try it again, and again, and again, in different orders until you find one that works. :) The other possibility is that the translation sql files don't support TBC databases.
Thanks for your help. Found someone with the same translation problem on official MaNGOS website. Someone said to him to change the encoding to UTF-8 so that the game could take the french accents. It solved about 10 to 20% of my problem.
Anyone know exactly what type of encoding to use to make use of the french accents?
Read post, it's important for works :)

Don't worry, update will be come :)

For mangosd.conf:

Motd = "|cffDC000Dev-ATeam|r Client Version |cff2963DC2.0.8|r & |cff248B4C2.0.10|r - Core |cffDC8E5FXeNoW|r Rev.215 |cffE740E5SDB TBC Dev rev.150(3386)|r""
Motd = "|cffDC000Dev-ATeam|r Client Version |cff2963DC2.0.8|r & |cff248B4C2.0.10|r - Core |cffDC8E5FXeNoW|r Rev.215 |cffE740E5SDB TBC Dev rev.150(3386)|r"
Sorry :bowl:

For french translation, you can use this and you can make more if you want ...
Maybe you can try the Valkyrie's translation HERE;

I will see what i 'll do with french translation :) in next release ....