[Help] !Experts! Help with New Interlude Npcs/Mobs L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 17, 2006
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Hi guys
Well i have a korean interlude client, i used the patch for english.
It worked
i tested out most of the new stuff, such as the flying dino.
I need help to get the name for the following npcs/quests
Npc From 32105 to 32129
Quests from 641 and ahead

If someone wants the lines (in database) to use the new mobs or to see the new aura skill (yeah aura) let me know. I'll be glad to help ya.
Be sure to: Be able to open and add data in: npcgrp.dat, npcname-e.dat, npcname-k.dat

Anything else please post it up!
If anyone can help me!!! Thanks in advance



  • UnknownNP2 - [Help] !Experts! Help with New Interlude Npcs/Mobs - RaGEZONE Forums
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vSephiroth most certain to make and to lower archives NPCNAME OF the customer interlude and to remove the name of them or to play in the American server test ^^ is two solutions :sweatdrop
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vSephiroth most certain to make and to lower archives NPCNAME OF the customer interlude and to remove the name of them or to play in the American server test ^^ is two solutions :sweatdrop

Surely that could be done, but how can i get an american interlude?
And above all, i tried the npcname-k.dat and tchanan! All npcs (raids) have their title to '--' same for Raid fighters.

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Well, in the system folder that came with interlude, it has the npcname-e.dat but is C5, and do not have the npcs i need...
if i use it i'll crash the client. Let me give you an example:
npc id = 35648, in english npcname it has a name, in npcname-k it is Elite Mage, but with no title (set to '--' in the column)

I already remade the npcgrp and the npcname-k to add the 'normal' dinos in the ids from 35648 to 35656.

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Can ANY mod tell me why my topic is here on client modding?
Its not a client modding (however includes that) its extremely important for me to know the names fot that for development! How can i write a quest if i can't read the descriptions? how to write a html for the client if i dont know the name of the person that gives it?

If you think im going in the wrong direction i think you shoul let me know first, instead of moving the topic. Anyway i get tired of no answers i u life delete the post. This forums only servers the pitty litle brats that makes stupid questions and got semi-answers. But, at least they're listened.....<stressed out!>
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