Newbie Spellweaver

I am working on some little contributions for l2j. What i am asking for in that Thread is not 100% needed, but i thing it would give some new possibilities for the private costum Servers.
Maybe some of u still remeber l2 extrems way to give the Hero Skills to the heros. They gave them the choise between 8 "Necless of Hero". If the Hero equiped his Necless, a new skill was added in his skill-list. That skill was for example "Bless of Hero".
An other item was the "Arcane Staff (now is Imperial Staff) SP Blessing of body". It gave a skill like Bless of body to its owner. The owner could then buff like a Profet buffs his Bless of Body.
Maybe anyone of u has seen a weapon with that effect in L2j...
I was searching now long time in all Source Code of l2j - but my sucess was quiet low... If we have any expert here - would be real nice of u to tell me how it works. i think it must be done in data/stats/items/... .xml . :zoo_fox_1
Thx for now, skolex
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