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[Help]Experts!Items that add skill by equiping them L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score

I am working on some little contributions for l2j. What i am asking for in that Thread is not 100% needed, but i thing it would give some new possibilities for the private costum Servers.

Maybe some of u still remeber l2 extrems way to give the Hero Skills to the heros. They gave them the choise between 8 "Necless of Hero". If the Hero equiped his Necless, a new skill was added in his skill-list. That skill was for example "Bless of Hero".
An other item was the "Arcane Staff (now is Imperial Staff) SP Blessing of body". It gave a skill like Bless of body to its owner. The owner could then buff like a Profet buffs his Bless of Body.

Maybe anyone of u has seen a weapon with that effect in L2j...
I was searching now long time in all Source Code of l2j - but my sucess was quiet low... If we have any expert here - would be real nice of u to tell me how it works. i think it must be done in data/stats/items/... .xml . :zoo_fox_1

Thx for now, skolex
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Re: [Experts!]Items that add skill by equiping them

i have only seen this on some private server .... don't know what server pack they were using.
in most of the servers the only way you can get a skill like that is through cursed weapons but the potential is limited
when you do find out how let us know because we trying to find this think out for some time now :D .... people know but won't share 8-| and i understand why :)
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Re: [Experts!]Items that add skill by equiping them

An other item was the "Arcane Staff (now is Imperial Staff) SP Blessing of body". It gave a skill like Bless of body to its owner. The owner could then buff like a Profet buffs his Bless of Body.

Lol, there are a Bless of Body in l2j, too. Search it and use it.
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Re: [Experts!]Items that add skill by equiping them

Lol, there are a Bless of Body in l2j, too. Search it and use it.

Wooo Hoooo Cheer up everybody! Arkert u hit the thread at 100%.
Idiot! If u can't read at all - just go paly with a ball outside with the kids.

@ aodxxl and eXtremalas: ohh thx. that is good advice. never thought of zariche sword. i will try and when i know i will PM u 2. thx for your help.:mail1:
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Re: [Experts!]Items that add skill by equiping them

Wooo Hoooo Cheer up everybody! Arkert u hit the thread at 100%.
Idiot! If u can't read at all - just go paly with a ball outside with the kids.

@ aodxxl and eXtremalas: ohh thx. that is good advice. never thought of zariche sword. i will try and when i know i will PM u 2. thx for your help.:mail1:

Lol? This was the correct answer to your question. Or you want to add it into there skills? Or just like a buff? If you want to add a skill into char look to my "For Noblesseskills..." Thread, thereu can find a example... :soccer:
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Re: [Experts!]Items that add skill by equiping them

=\ .... You need to give this skill when you ecip armor or what ?

yeah right RaveN! the skill should appear in players skill list when he equips Armor or weapon. then he can use it by clicking it in skill list. and if he put off the armor - the skill should disapear from skill list.

and Cursed Weapons Handlers did not realy work^^
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thx for your help NIkSP@CE. i will look up in l2j-free for it. well i hope it will be possible to get it into other server packs as well, because i dont realy like l2j-free - it's so bugged. :smiley-go

Cya, skolex
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