[Help]fix custom weapon enchant glow + [share]dusk+tomb staff L2J 

Junior Spellweaver
Oct 30, 2005
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i managed to figure out the custom dual weapons enchant.after the line for example (LineageEffect.c_u004 LineageEffect.c_u004) follow ten different coordinates.it would be easy to say that the first 5 belong to the first weapon and the next 5 coordinates to the other weapon in the other hand, but it's not like that, it's mixed up.thus the first two belong to the first weapon (not 100 % sure but coords 3 and 4 corespond to wep A and wep B, next coords 5 and 6 both to B wep., coordinates 7 and 8 corespond to the wep A and B's enchant glow SIZE as in volume, and coords 9 and 10 correspond to A and B's SIZE as in length).i hope you understood what i said. anyway after making these changes, i got a pretty good enchant look on dual soul separator except for one thing...the color is to big, just see the printscreen.nikspace care to help?:drinks_dr
here's the explanation of the coordinates, maybe you understand them better in a table:
Ok so we have <Tallum Edge*Dark Legion's Edge> for example	
        	Tallum Edge = weapon A  Dark Legion's Edge = weapon B

LineageEffect.c_u006    LineageEffect.c_u004	 ||    1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10   ||
						                            A	     A	     A	     B	     B	     B	     A	     B	     A	     B
the picture with the huge enchants was made by modifying coordinates 7 and 8 ^_^


  • Shot00047 - [Help]fix custom weapon enchant glow + [share]dusk+tomb staff - RaGEZONE Forums
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  • Shot00048 - [Help]fix custom weapon enchant glow + [share]dusk+tomb staff - RaGEZONE Forums
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Re: [Help]fix custom weapon enchant glow

you may go to NickSpace Post...
By me:
You have to low a bit the price of glow I think...
I have done this in the Past but I do not remember this right now...
NiCkSp@ce will help you I think...
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Re: [Help]fix custom weapon enchant glow

if u mean at duals how the numbers go !!!
Is like single but is going
like that

effectA effectB A B A B A B A B A B

thx :), but how do i fix those dual daggers or at dusk sword? enchant shows like non grade (at handle, with color) + at the lenght of the sword but no color on that one.
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Re: [Help]fix custom weapon enchant glow

hehe i've managed to create the tomb staff just like on l2extreme, only i've added to it acumen:snorkel: if you care to try them be my guest here you are enjoy :) i also made today the dusk shield, but it's not added in the archive, if anyone wants files for that too just tell me.


  • tomb staff & dusk sword.rar
    tomb staff & dusk sword.rar
    298.4 KB · Views: 105
  • Shot00052 - [Help]fix custom weapon enchant glow + [share]dusk+tomb staff - RaGEZONE Forums
    55.4 KB · Views: 175
  • Shot00053 - [Help]fix custom weapon enchant glow + [share]dusk+tomb staff - RaGEZONE Forums
    143.1 KB · Views: 161
  • Shot00005 - [Help]fix custom weapon enchant glow + [share]dusk+tomb staff - RaGEZONE Forums
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petru can u plz tell me how can i get this huge glow on me? i didn't get what i have to do

copy my archive that i shared, and replace every file to where it belongs: weapongrp.dat and itemname-e.dat put them in your system folder in game, the XML file you put in gameserver>data>stats>weapon, and the weapon.sql file in sql folder (after you put it there go to navicat, duplicate your current weapon table so you get weapon_copy , and delete the weapon table.then click query>new query>load>and add the weapon.sql from me.then run) and that's all, should work fine:clap: also, the huge glow you get from editing the weapongrp.dat, after LineageEffect.c_u00x, where you have 5 coordinates.it takes a while until you make your enchant glow good enough, i had to enter and quit game for about 30 times:sp_ike:
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