I take it from another forum of Mangos. This is for 2.10 version Mangos TBC
I've tried searching this forum and some others, without much luck.
I am running server version 2.0.10, I've used the instructions from this forum on how to set it up.
Most things appear to work fine, but for some reaon, I cannot seem to be able to level my Enchanting and Blacksmithing skill up.
It just says it is missing the Blacksmith Hammer and the Runed Copper Rod, despite them being in the inventory.
I tried to put them in different bags, tried everything, nothing seems to work.
Is it a known bug?
Also, is there a way to learn these skills to max with a command? Because I can't seem to find the right ID for them for .learnsk
I'd appreciate any help anyone here can offer