[HELP] Gameserver problem L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 3, 2007
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When server works some hours about 4-5 it crashes . The players in it can walk but can`t open inventory , map and such things. When you restart the game it says that player is loged in and when you click ok again login server lets you in but in the last screen when you choose server and press ok it doesn`t let you in . Im not sure is this problem happens in specific hour . But when i restart gameserver it starts normaly . Im using Hero 1711 rev.191 by Verzola and i have some custom NPC`s . How can i fix this problem ? Excuse me for my bad english and tnx in advance for help.
Can be lagg?? or bad java what java are u usin and u can post photos the gameserver.bat when happend it?.
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Im using Java version 1.6.0 ( build 1.6.0-b105) , no its not possible to be lag i thing ok i will make screenshots of gameserver.bat and will post link here
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here, do the following:

Turn of the Server, never start it again.
Turn of your Computer, never start it again.
Go get a life.
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this is the gameserver.bat :
@echo off
echo Starting L2J Game Server.
java -Xmx512m -cp ./config/;commons-logging-1.1.jar;ibmaio.jar;log4j-1.2.14.jar;bsf.jar;bsh-2.0.jar;javolution.jar;c3p0-;mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar;l2j-gameserver.jar;jython.jar net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto restart
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
goto end
echo Admin Restart ...
goto start
echo Server terminated abnormaly
echo server terminated

some time this happens about 13:00 o clock and after in 20:00 o clock but not everytime in same time :(
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Do the following:
In the config folder of your server, turn on the DEBUG (Debug = True)

Get in alone in the server and keep up the time it takes to 'crash'

When it does, pay attention to teh GS screen and post the section AFTER the login (when you say it crashes). That would be more useful to solve your problem
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I found it in loginserver\config\loginserver.properties and setet option debug = True when it crashes i will post the result here
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Here is the screens
this one is when server crashes
and this one is when someone try to login when server is crashed

this is happens on login server when someone trys to login

so now what ?
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