[help]gfx card advice

Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
Merry England
hey guys im currently running a 6800gt but would love to upgrade i think its time to treat myself as i get paid soon! :D

amd 64 3000+
1.5gb ram

ifu need specifics give me a shout as i dont know them offhand but i was wondering wether its worth buying a completely new gfx card and replacing my old 6800 or is it worth buying a cheaper one to run side by side with my current 6800?

love playing stuff like css online so ive always taken FPS over nice looks but its time to have high fps and nicer looks!

stuff like cnc3 etc id love to have my single player games cranked up to full gfx with smooth gameplay, so give me your advice guys!
Do you own the AGP version of the 6800 or the PCI-e version?

If you've got a PCI-e slot and feel like spending the cash, go for at least a high 7-series or even an 8-series card. I always shell out the extra buck and use XFX, I'm a permanent customer.
In the end it's your processor that will bottleneck your performance though. (After you upgrade your graphics card)
Well what he was basically trying to say is that although you should try and get a high 7 series or even a 8 series card, since your CPU is oldish it will bottleneck the performance.

IF you are thinking of getting a new CPU sometime soon and are just upgrading the gfx card to start off with, i'd go for either the 320mb or 640mb 8800.

If not, then i would go for either a second 6800 and SLI them (are they SLI compatible?) or go for a slightly more expensive 7950GT to replace your current one. Your CPU may still slightly bottleneck the 7950GT, but it will not be by much, and it is also fast enough for you to keep even if you do decide to change your CPU in the near future.
just out of interest how much would i be looking at if i replaced my cpu and upgraded my card?

i think i may go for the 7950GT if thats gonna work well now and when i upgrade my cpu

tbh the only reason i considered a better gfx card is becasue i know how to put them in haha

i guess having to upgrade my cpu is a good excuse to learn how
I was in the exact same situation as yoruself, I was running an XFX 6800 GT PCI-E about a month ago.. and decided I finally wanted to upgrade to a decent GPU. I had a great PSU/RAM/Chip still, and I'll let you know why I made the decision to bump up to an 8800.

Think Longetivity.. you 'dont' want to have to spend 250 bucks now, then spend 250 bucks next year when you decide to upgrade to DX10.. the solution -> Upgrade to DX10 right now, for $350, and save yourself a ton of money in the long run.

I went from my 6800 to my XFX 8800 GTS 320mb and it blew away my old card like nothing else, youll be AMAZED at what it runs and how well it runs it. I crank every game I own (most new games coming out I have bought and they all crank up to 1680x1050 full AA/AS with zero FPS lag. I have loaded up CNC3 on the demo, will eb buying it here soon.. and it runs absolutely amazing with full settings in 1680x1050 on my 22" 226bw monitor (widescreen LCD) and there is no way I would have stepped for anythign lower then this card.

So, from my own personal recommendations, I would honestly suggest jsut upgrading straight to a low end 8800.. preferably a 320mb gts, or dependign on cash flows, the 640 mb version (the 320's actually run games faster at 1600x1200 and below.. the 640 one only gets better at resolutions higher then 1600x1200).

Youll be utterly amazed.. and happy, and giggly.. and well, probabl yreload all yoru old games to see them with max setting glory :-)

My Current GPU: XFX 8800 GTS 320mb XXX Edition
XFX PVT80GGHD9 GeForce 8800GTS 320MB XXX DDR3 PCI-Express Video Card w/Dual DVI HDTV-Out Retail at ZipZoomfly
Yeah, if your looking for an upgrade to just really temporarily suit you off.. you -may- look at getting a base 7900 perhaps, or even a 7600gt.. Or jsut save up of course to get that extra bit of cash for you to afford the 8800. Its definatly an amazing card, and I am damn proud to have upgraded to it. My next step, after my 2x500gb drives get delivered out here, is to save up about $2000 and throw that into my savings.. then use it for my upgrade to the newer chips coming out in the next year.. give myself a really really big jump out, possibly go quad core 32nm whenever they are available.. a long plan, but heck, itll be worth it =)
Mate, I know you like to game but try looking into a cheap dual core replacement before they are all gone! They would give you a better performance boost then a new video card as your CPU will bottle neck it.

So a good dual core s939 and a 8600 would be cheap and give you a good quick boost in performance and allow for some DX10 gaming.

Also maybe if I can con my father out of a new computer any time soon (maybe end of month if the new nVidias come out) I'll have a left over 7900GTX that'll be doing nothing and we could work something out. =P

Edit: Just a random question. Ever got that laptop to work?

NoPeace - out