[Help] Give Privilegies ACM L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 23, 2007
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Hi, how I give admin privilegies for an account and how I modify the configuration for the others accounts have to exchange your passwords?
I have Access level 0, How I modify it?

here the pic:
mulequeveio - [Help] Give Privilegies ACM - RaGEZONE Forums

Someone help me please???

Thx 4 All! :D
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The easiest way:
In your database (localhost/a/), table accounts, set the account accesslevel 100 (not 101, not 75, not 200), pure equally 100. Then login.

The harder way:
got to [...]\diskw\www\acm
open the file configuration.php with notepad.
find these lines:
# Manager settings
# access settings
$manager['admin_level'] = 100;		// Set access_level value for manager admins (exact value!)
$manager['admin_level'] = 100;
change it to whatever access level you have on your account(not character).
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Tnx friend, it works now, but how I change my password? because im click on Password link and it need to login again and it back to the same page :(

sorry for my english
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