[Help] GM Commands

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 21, 2012
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hmm ok thx but i cant find it on my PC.i think i have it no.

I believe they changed it on 2008+ sql versions and higher. I'm not entirely sure to what as I haven't upgraded to them. My last time using sql was a couple yrs ago and that was with 2000 I believe. I'm sure someone here remembers the changes off-hand and can tell you what it is now named, or you can just google the changes made from 2000/2005 to 2008.
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Elite Diviner
Feb 28, 2013
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GM Commands not 2006 commands its the new

/portuser <name>
--Recalls a player.

/get <itemid> <prefix> <amount>
--Creates a bounded cheat item in your inventory.

/notice <text>
--Shows a notice.

--Hide yourself from everyone.

--Level up by 1.

/getexp <amount>
--Increase your EXP by <amount>.

/info <name>
--Shows only you in order in notice: UID/PID/Class/Level of the player.

/kick <name>
--Kicks a player.

/rage <amount>
--Set your rage to <amount>.

/move <mobid>
--Teleports to closest monster specified by <mobid>.

/gposition <specid>
--Set your government position.

/storage <playername> <itemid> <prefix> <amount>
--Creates a normal item in <playername>'s storage.

/resetlevel <level>
--Sets your level to level

/guildexp <amount>
--Increases your guild's EXP.

/egggrade <grade>
--Set your egg's grade to grade. (Only 11, 21, 31, and 40 can be used)

/rageexp <amount>
--Add rage to your current rage by <amount>.

--Tells about the castle and the tax.

--Shows all active players on the server.

--Closes the server. Only server admins can use this.

/addcp <amount>
--Adds contribution points by <amount>.

/addmp <amount>
--Increase MP limit on your character by <amount>.

/addhp <amount>
--Increase HP limit on your character by <amount>.

/addatk <amount>
--Increase max and min physical damage by <amount>.

/adddef <amount>
--Increase defense by <amount>.

--Turns on snow event.

--Turns on a specific event.
;0 ------- Double EXP.
;1 ------- Dice Event
;2 ------- ??? Event
;3 ------- Sponsor Event
;4 ------- ??? Event
;5 ------- ??? Event
;6 ------- Snow Event

By: Mage4Ever
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Initiate Mage
Jul 26, 2013
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Where can i write these commands to make it work ? Anyhelp please guys ^
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