[Help]Help for implemented L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 7, 2007
Reaction score
im download pack weapon custom and titanium armor for 4stryker whas I implement it?


me descarge el pack de armas-custom y armadura titanium de 4stryker, pero nose como meterlo, alguien me ayuda pofavor?

( Sorry for my bad inglish )
Re: Help for implemented

Mira primero en lo k te dice server side mete los archivos xml en server/gameserver/data/stats
mete el armor en la de armor y en weapons en la de weapons.
Lo siguiente es meterlo a la DB abre tu DB y pulsa en execute bath file buska los arxivos sql y el navicat ara el resto^^"
Espero k te aya servido.
First get your xml files and copy them to armor & weapons file in server/gameserver/data/stats.
After open your DB right click on it and choose the option execute bath file.Then look for your sql files and navicat will do the rest^^
Hope it helps
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Re: Help for implemented

y con un buffer y un adenatrader que quiero meter de la misma manera no?


and with a buffer and adenatrader that I want to put in the same way no?


sorry for my bad inglish
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Re: Help for implemented

Claro.Pero Si Tienes Problemas Con El Npc Buffer Avisame^^
Yes But If You Have Problems With Your Npc Buffer Just Post It Here^^
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Re: Help for implemented

lo e metido todo como me as dicho, en el navicat me salen, pero entro al juego y no me aparecen de ninguna manera.

Si que tengo problemas con el buffer, me baje el de elpetas, que da songs, dances, chants, y recuperacion de cp, pero cuando le hablo, pone que no tiene nada que decirme.


the put e everything like me said ace, in navicat leaves to me, but I enter the game and they do not appear to me of any way.

if which I have problems with the buffer, it lowers the one to me of elpetas, that gives songs, you dance, chants, and recovery of cp, but when I speak to him, it puts that it does not have anything to say to me


Sorry for my bad inglish
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