[Help]How do I make a server status web L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 13, 2007
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I would like to know how to make a server status web.
I have some knowledge of html but not much, so if someone has the code or something like that, it would help me a lot.

Thank you

Me gustaria saber como hago una web para el estado del server.
Se algo de html pero no demasiado, asi que si alguien tiene el codigo o algo asi, me ayudaria mucho.

Gracias por la ayuda.
Re: How do I make a server status web? / Como creo una web para el estado del server?

ENGLISH: If u have diskw just edit the config and ejecue the star.bat and u have u server web...

ESPANOL: Si tienes el diskw edita las configariones y ejecuta el star.bat y listo tienes tu web server...
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Re: How do I make a server status web? / Como creo una web para el estado del server?

you do not use diskw already this discontinued and comes the key from the data base root that by the way installs it and they do not change to the key that to him is a invulneravilidad in the server I as for me what I can say to you is that you use to wampserver brings everything except the page Web and this reviewed and updated

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Re: How do I make a server status web? / Como creo una web para el estado del server?

ENGL: So can u explain us or post a guide how make a site with outh diskw plis i dont know nothing of this and he i guess not, plis help us...

Esp: Bueno puedes tu explicar o postear una guia para hacer una webb sin el diskw porfis yo no se nada de sto y creo q el tampoco, porfavor ayudanos....
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Re: How do I make a server status web? / Como creo una web para el estado del server?

Wamp is a good alternative for newbs, but i would still recomend a basic install of apache and php to be able to maximize performance.

Basicly what that means is that you will install a web http server program on your computer (apache).
And php is highly recomended as an addition to apache because it supports basicly every language available, html and php scripts is all you will use though.



$IP = array(
"Login Server:" => "YourServerIP:2106",
"Game Server:" => "YourServerIP:7777",

echo "<center><table><tr>";

while(list($ServerName,$Host)=each($IP)) {
echo "<td>$ServerName</td>";
if($fp=fsockopen($IPAddress,$Port,$ERROR_NO,$ERROR_STR,(float)0.5)) {
echo "<td><font color=green><b>Online</b></font></td>";
else {
echo "<td><font color=#ff0000><b>Offline</b></td>";
echo "</tr>";

echo "</table></center>";

Maybe i will share a fixed diskW for you and you can use what you want from it.
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Re: How do I make a server status web? / Como creo una web para el estado del server?

Thank you very much for the help! :)
Muchas gracias a todos por la ayuda! :)
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Re: How do I make a server status web? / Como creo una web para el estado del server?

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Re: How do I make a server status web? / Como creo una web para el estado del server?

No entiendo bien como hacer para que el wamp5 o sea el apache me funcione para poner el estado del server en la misma web que tengo en apache.
Existe algun plugin o algo que se lo agrege......
Llevo mucho tiempo buscando 1na forma de poner el estado de mi server en mi propia pagina pero no logro encontrar nada y he buscado ya desde hace mas de 2 semanas... si alguien puede ayudarme se lo agradeceria.
Y perdonden mi torpez pero no se mucho de codigos php.:punch:

I didnt know that this has to be in english. Sorry.
I wanted to ask how the server status system works because i dont understand completly. I need some add on to WAMP5 that shows the server status in my web page but i coulden t make it work (i found it in an other post here). Of course that you dont have to explain all just how can i do to add it to my web page. I see in lots of sytes and i want it in mine too. Thanks. If someone has a solution thanks.
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Re: How do I make a server status web? / Como creo una web para el estado del server?

Please remember that all threads MUST have a prefix in their titles. Please read the rules before you continue to use the forums.

~ Brandon

P.S: I have added the prefix for you
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