Help! How do i make it so server doesnt do password?

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 23, 2006
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Right yer..
I done the guide below.. And don everything. Everything worked,
Now i go to load my Loginserver.exe Charserver.exe and the ova one.
But when i load them up it says access denied to 'root' blah blah 'Using password: YES' How do I change tht to NO so it lets him/her/it on mySQL?
... in your config.ini set the pass field with the pass you enterd if still doesnt work remove the password and leave it blank there (not recomended coz pepole can hack into your mysql)
I got a new problem! When i go to log in it says Connecting to server...
Foreva. I logged off and it says wierd packets were received or sumfin...

Any help?
after you login? if yes then you didnt set up the ip in the lconfig in your game folder
if u did to your wanip change it to your lan ip (192/10.0....) or (
(Wanip = )
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