[HELP]how do my server online?

Feb 27, 2007
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/-\V/-\T/-\R - [HELP]how do my server online? - RaGEZONE Forums

hey every one i was wondering if i could get any help with a problem

Ive made a server and hav it all running but wateva i do i cant get othere people to log into it and its reeally pissing me off if anyone kows how to do it an u please tell me.

also do i need to use hamachi for it or can u do it a different way?
Sorry YAMACHI IM telling him.You need to quit smarting off at every oppritunity and help people. either that or if you run this site shut it down and quit wiggling that change in your pocket that you made being the BEST PROGRAMMER ON EARTH or whatever you think to imagine you are. Just answer people why is it so hard.OH and get rid of that baby face its RETARTED. OK now for Avatars Question.

Just open sqlyog and open realmd folder. Now find Realmlist and change that ip address to your Static Ip if its static. Not the if you have a network of computers Make sure that the server is set up on the computer that the modem is on.If you have a router i dont know about those i think they blow because the firewall you to your grave.I have 1 main computer with 2 network cards installed one card has the modem plugged into it with the firewall on and the other has a minihub plugged into it. NO FIREWALL HELL LOL.
Anyway Like for me my static is and it stays there from boot to reboot.Use yours that looks similar and either turn off the firewall or specify which port to keep open in firewall properties.as far as firewalls i'll figure out how to specify ports and try to let you know. Brewen
hmmmmmmmm... now that ive dun that i hav the realmlist loop prob no matter wat my realmlist.wtf file is set to, do u hav any ideas wat went wrong

oh yeah and yamachi.... the only guide i cud find was 1 written by a n00b trying to b smart and it completly stuffed up my server so instead of being up urself U CUD HAV JUST ANSWERED MY GOD DAM QUESTION!!!:2gunsfiring_v1:
lol, you honestly think I'm gonna answer the same goddamn question all the time? You get fucking fed up with it eventually. Anyways, like I said, If you look properly, you can find a frickin guide YOURSELF! They were made to help, so use them.