[HELP]How to change upgrade rates

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 8, 2008
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As the title says..

Upgrade Rates
Downgrade Rate
Terminate/destroy rate


Ohh i manage to locate those files on how to edit enhanced rate..but there's problem in my client i guess? coz when i upgrade to +9 it will stop my client from responding and DC same as +10...those rates only get me DC
Yes it's clientside problem. You'll have this problem even when you get unique or epic items right after opening boxes, or taking them from drop boxes.

So, what exactly is the item's name?
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You can try this if it works.

Rename the item you want to upgrade (about 10~15 characters). Then try to upgrade it to +9 or +10. If you can upgrade it successfully, and see the yellow global notification (at top center of screen), so that would be your solution.
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When you +9 it will give a text something like this: "XXX has upgraded XXX succesfully to +9" shorten it. This is the reason from the DC's you get.

This is client sided, where all the english translated files are. I'm not gonna tell where to do it, as i stopped developing for a dead section.
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