[Help] How to make a .bat launcher

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Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
hi, i'm using a .bat launcher

but how can other people join my server

TRose.exe @TRIGGER_SOFT@ _server (that's how i can join)

what must i change??, i want to send my launcher to otheres
Re: How to make a .bat launcher

Change the to your Wan IP. Or you can use the launcher in the downloads section.
Re: How to make a .bat launcher

If you want a nice executable with a nice icon, and you don't want to use a sloppy looking batch file, you can compile your batch file into an EXE with a program. I use quick batch file compiler, and it lets you put a nice icon on it, and you dont need any programming experience. You can check my launcher out I have included it. if you dont trust the exe file, download a trial version of the batch file compiler... you are able to decompile the exe file back into a .bat file and see what I have in there... but ill let you know ahead of time...

@echo off (keeps things from being relayed in the dos prompt to the user)
TRose.exe @TRIGGER_SOFT@ _server roseonline.game-host.org
exit (closes program after the launch)

Very nice way to do it, and you can even have a splash screen when it starts, or whatever.

If you want to take it even a step further (I'm working on this now...) you can use auto-run menu studio to make a nice web browser with no banners, and have your roseonline site in the browser by default. You can add a button that opens your launcher to the GUI. Again, no programming knowledge necessary :)

P.S. The other file attached is if you want to try my launcher out (everyone has my permission to use this launcher in their development and download pages) This one has been changed to

If you would like a launcher like this one, send me a PM or an email with your server IP or address and an icon you would like to use, and I will compile you one... it takes all of 5 seconds to do!

Just drop the file into your roseonline directory and make a shortcut on your desktop.
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Re: How to make a .bat launcher

That's what I made... a launcher... unfortunately the program I used to compile the launcher used a similar algorythm to a trojan. I have since updated the software (this was a common problem on the software site's forums) and now the files don't register on the antivirus programs as being malicious. Akai is working on getting my attachments back into my post and removing the infraction from my account (Thanks Akai).

So, after that essay, It IS a launcher I made... There's just no bells and whistles on it... you click it and it connects the client to your server. Just like a bat only with a little more class :)

EDIT: I have been getting questions on what program I used... It was "Quick Batch File Compiler" by
-Very handy program!
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