[HELP] I cant get a single web site to work

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
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No matter what CMS or Roseweb I download and install into C:\xampplite\htdocs it will not work. Am i missing a file for it or am I missing something I got one close to working but then it could not connect to my sql data base and was erroring on random lines. If you can help me please I would be in much debt to you. You may ad me to msn or reply here in the forum I can link you to the almost owkring one and you could tell me whats wrong you must be on hamatchi tho

network testmysite
pass testmysite

website address

MSN address [email protected]

thank you in advance for your help
Well, do you MySQL settings in the config file match up with your MySQL settings? Also is MySQL actually insatlled.
Well, do you MySQL settings in the config file match up with your MySQL settings? Also is MySQL actually insatlled.

Yes the SQL files match where they are supose to link in the database. here is an example of that happens when i open the home section of it

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\xampplite\htdocs\inc\users.inc.php on line 3

Each one errors on a diffrent line. I have apache installed and have mysql running through Xampplite. I use SQLyog Community edition, Because nevicat wants me to pay for it.

Also the site runns when i open it just will not connect to my SQL database

And no i did not port forward 80 because I am running the server through Hamatchi
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