[HELP] Ihave a few questions!

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Junior Spellweaver
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
First I wanna say this is like a dream come true! to be your own GM

Secondly is anyone looking for new GM's? Because I wanna be apart of a active server with players to help with events. If you are can you leave me your site name or pm here on the forum with how and what i need to do to join your GM team.

Also I have my own server up but wanna know if there is away to have like a GM sign? like is there away to show yourself as a GM? because i can do commands but i look like a normal player.

Also I am a Amatuer graphic designer in photoshop is the any place i can get me some rose renders for a layout for my site?

Thanks for helping out if you can. This site rocks!:thumbsup:
yea bebe just the other day i went to your site kinda nice im not a fan of light colors thou anyways i replyed to your pm. I had more designs then what i told you about in pm but alot of of it got lost due a a bad hurricane seaon last year so what i have is what i have but if there is something your looking to get done within what i have its what i can do i inda stopped with graphic design i did alot of my web tempaltes in photoshop then i went to using dreamweaver :D
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