[Help] I'm running on 1.02Q and i have many bug :s

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Junior Spellweaver
Oct 28, 2006
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All-blue, la mer l
hi !

1- this is my movereq(chs).txt

//Index MoveName(Chs) MoveName(Eng) Zen Level GateNumber
1 "Stadium" "Stadium" 5000000 150 50
2 "Lorencia" "Lorencia" 100000 50 17
3 "Noria" "Noria" 100000 50 27
4 "Devias" "Devias" 200000 50 22
5 "Devias2" "Devias2" 200000 60 72
6 "Devias3" "Devias3" 200000 70 73
7 "Devias4" "Devias4" 200000 80 74
8 "Dungeun" "Dungeun" 200000 90 2
9 "Dungeun2" "Dungeun2" 400000 90 6
10 "Dungeun3" "Dungeun3" 600000 90 10
11 "Atlans" "Atlans" 700000 100 49
12 "Atlans2" "Atlans2" 700000 100 75
13 "Atlans3" "Atlans3" 700000 100 76
14 "LostTower" "LostTower" 900000 110 42
15 "LostTower2" "LostTower2" 950000 110 31
16 "LostTower3" "LostTower3" 1000000 110 33
17 "LostTower4" "LostTower4" 1050000 120 35
18 "LostTower5" "LostTower5" 1100000 120 37
19 "LostTower6" "LostTower6" 1150000 125 39
20 "LostTower7" "LostTower7" 1200000 130 41
21 "Tarcan" "Tarcan" 2400000 140 57
22 "Tarcan2" "Tarcan2" 2400000 140 77
23 "Icarus" "Icarus" 2500000 150 63
24 "Aida" "Aida" 4700000 250 119
25 "Aida2" "Aida2" 4700000 250 140
26 "CryWolf" "CryWolf" 4800000 250 118
27 "Kalima" "Kalima" 5200000 250 93
28 "Kantru" "Kantru" 5500000 250 138
29 "Kantru2" "Kantru2" 5500000 250 100
30 "Kantru3" "Kantru3" 5500000 250 139
And this is my warp command in game

Tchekler - [Help] I'm running on 1.02Q and i have many bug :s - RaGEZONE Forums

Why Is not the same ?

2 - My /Gmove doesnt works

This is my dandanweb.

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Re: [HELP] I'm running on 1.02Q and i have many bug :s

dont use /gmove, put it to 7 , then use /move name map x y
like /move Bob 0 130 130 is lorencia bar.
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Re: [HELP] I'm running on 1.02Q and i have many bug :s


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Did you reload the server? or restart?

and try change the MoveReq(Chs) in MuServer/Data folder.
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