A quick way of fixing this, blow away your DB,'s recreate, and then test. If your are still having problems, re-download the *.rar file again, open it up and replace whatever you have, and then reload the *.sql files to your DB. Unless there is some weird Security setting that we don’t know about, its hard to say. Kurbash is right with realmd.conf and mangos.conf. Also, one of the items that Kurbash didn’t add but I’m sure he thought of is the realmd.conf config. You must edit this file as well. Open it up and look for the line like below:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;(password);realmd_bc"
I found if realmd isent working, mangos.conf wont work either. Another item, and this is only being hypothetical, is that you downloaded everything separate and your DB and MAPS files don’t match up with the version of mangos you are running (hey it happens), it will cause conflicts. Ran into this when creating a WOW(non-bc) server.
Anyway, don’t know if this will help, but wanted to add these parts.
Rob W.