[Help] In BC server building..

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 25, 2005
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How do i fix this one?

gancohen - [Help] In BC server building.. - RaGEZONE Forums

Instead of using use and then go to your realm database and change the 'address' in the table 'realmlist' to your WAN IP...
ok now i have got this one...
i cange my Address at the table in my Wan ip.

and wat he say here does exisit.
so wat is the problam now? Tnx agin.

gancohen - [Help] In BC server building.. - RaGEZONE Forums
You dont have your database setup correctly... It means you have missing tables (Table gameobject_template doesn't exist)... Open your query manager or whatever you use and check your tables. It could aslo be because maybe you have your database named wrong in the mangos.conf file... i know most of the dbcreation scripts you get here name the databases mangos and realmd, you're using mangos_bc and realmd_bc...
Tryed and still not working i have cange the _bc thing and see the DB.
there is a DB named gameobject_template for sure
i thing i havieng a problam in my mangos shit..
any suugestion?
Currend Status at my server devalopment is:

Realmd_BC =
gancohen - [Help] In BC server building.. - RaGEZONE Forums


gancohen - [Help] In BC server building.. - RaGEZONE Forums

and also i can log in my server (only reamlist)
Cant creat a char yet.

U saw the problam at mangosd.exe the one who will help me solve it will migth become a Gm.

Tnx from now and so on.
Ok if your using Mysql and SQLyog its really a simple fix. Now if you have done restore from sql dump with a DB (for Example: Silvers DB or the DB you need for Burning crusade) to your mangos DB you created then afterwards close the connection then reconnect afterwards. Then go to your mangos_bc.conf file open it with Notepad make the changes there as well Line should read something like this.;3306;root;(password);realmd_bc;3306;root;(password);mangos_bc

Also make sure it also reads this above these lines youll see a paragraph like this

# Data directory setting.
# Important: DataDir needs to be quoted, as it is a string which may
# contain space characters.
DataDir = "."

Its important that the Datadir ="." otherwise you wont egt in either.

Reinstalling the database as i have explained usually fixes an issue like this. (Trust me ive ran into may a problems like this with a 1.12 server when i first tried to get it up and now it runs great)

Hopefully this is somewhat helpful, Unless the DB your using actually doesnt have that table and left it out.
A quick way of fixing this, blow away your DB,'s recreate, and then test. If your are still having problems, re-download the *.rar file again, open it up and replace whatever you have, and then reload the *.sql files to your DB. Unless there is some weird Security setting that we don’t know about, its hard to say. Kurbash is right with realmd.conf and mangos.conf. Also, one of the items that Kurbash didn’t add but I’m sure he thought of is the realmd.conf config. You must edit this file as well. Open it up and look for the line like below:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;(password);realmd_bc"

I found if realmd isent working, mangos.conf wont work either. Another item, and this is only being hypothetical, is that you downloaded everything separate and your DB and MAPS files don’t match up with the version of mangos you are running (hey it happens), it will cause conflicts. Ran into this when creating a WOW(non-bc) server.
Anyway, don’t know if this will help, but wanted to add these parts.

Rob W.
Pretty much in a nut shell is exactly what i said and yes i didnt add the realmd part due to the fact is that its is correctly added as it is shown in the screenshot as it is done correctly.

Also the maps idea is also another possbility i did overlook didnt think of that good catch.
Yup, saw that after I hit post reply. :oP Also, gancohen, be careful, if you look at your realmd_bc screenshot, your root passphrase is there, I recommend changing that since now we know your root passphrase for your DB(or you can ignore me and keep it and never publically share your WOW_BC server :o) ). Anyway, good topic.

Rob W.
Wait a minute notice how it says root and on his mangos one its actually a bit longer... He didnt have the same pw's for both therefor he needs to correct the one that doesnt have the correct pw as well... just noticed that by looking at em and some of the pw on the mangos is definetly not the same as the realmd
that could definitely be it, seeing the error it doesn’t see mangos_bc, which could definitely be a login issue. Also, gancohen, if all possible (or if the problem has been solved), could you copy the contents in your realmd.conf and mangos.conf (minus passphrases though) and post them on here, that would help us out ALOT.

Rob W.
LOL. Actually, I think Kurbash is right, the first error:
SQL: UPDATE ‘character’ SET ‘online’=0

Should give it a clue that login failed and Mangos didnt go online. if that first line fails, all lookup for tables would(possible?) fail.

Rob W.
no it wouldnt cause them to fail look up tables are database related not connection related to the realmd. If ya want some personal help just send me an instant message to ugtpwnt on aim ill help ya out.
Well im downloadin 2.0.8 version and ill reinstal DB ,
also i have massenger for who want to help me out.

in downloadin , ill do it and tell u the status.

see ya for now.
Ok i have beed see the quest problem i got but this is somthing that i dont care about.

my problam is that the mangos and realm semms to be working but i cant go into my server char creation. then in game.

here the status i talk about:

gancohen - [Help] In BC server building.. - RaGEZONE Forums

gancohen - [Help] In BC server building.. - RaGEZONE Forums

now do i have to fix quests then ill be able to acess the server or i can skip it?
and how do i fix the quest error?

Tnx to the helpers.

That looks like you didnt restore sql dump the database you did it to a blank mangos db instead where its an empty world. Double check the read me on the file you D/L for the database. make sure your importing the right files cuz thats not the right one, also with quests make sure import the latest sql files in the updates folder as well they carry the quests and what other tables you ould use.
i did restore it ad the setup guild said u say i have missing file?
if i do wich?
im useing the 2.0.8 mangos [COMPLEAT] that i download here...