[HELP]is there any way to change sky color? L2J 

Junior Spellweaver
Oct 30, 2005
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i played on some servers and the sky color was more darkened and with pink and purple aspect (not dawn or dusk sky).does anyone know what need to be edited in order to modify the sky color? :lookaroun
i think its saved. in a .utx file .. .. but this search take a wihle ;)
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admin panel - > dusk\dawn sky

no sry i already told you, different from dawn/dusk color. here is a printscreen, where from a server i played (i played on so many high rate servers that i forgot which one:raincloud ) that has the color i am talking about, and in the evening it had a purple>blue color...sweet ^_^
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XD go to options and put the shader on HDR Rendering C !! ^^ ;P

i'll try that too thx for tips ^_^.here's a screenshot of modified sky i made, i made it in a hurry so it's not that great...but i hope to understand the code better in order to make e better color o.O:juggle:
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i like this color pretty good =D i will test it for see :P

thx man ^_^.one thing i didn't mention...i think it's because of my wrong editing:D i see the sky like in the pics i attached, and if i turn 90 degrees on my side, the sky changes color, and if i go back 90 degrees it goes back like initial o.O :)) pretty weird and annoying :D i'll have to fix that.and another thing for you if you gonna adeventure into editing that...make sure you save the original timeenv.int files because you can never know:D here's how the login screen appeared after i modified them :punch:
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Cool =) But what options in timeenv and etc are for color of skys?

once you decrypt the first timeenv0.int, there you can see: moon scale,color, sun scale,color, and after that there is sky color i think, which is followed by hazering color and then 3 types of cloud color. my l2 file edit is giving me an error please give me someone a link.after i fix the editor error i intend to work on a sky color and maybe on both timeenv0 and 1 (i noticed in paint after i tiped the color coordinates, timeenv2 and timeenv3 are for dusk and dawn sky, so i have no business there. ). timeenv0.int and timeenv1.int are day and night sky.the best way to edit your sky is to have 2 instances of paint opened,both at: colors>edit colors>define custom colors, where you have R (red), G(green) and B(blue) coordinates, in order to compare the initial sky and your own sky. i tried to make the sky purple the last time...but i didn't edit the whole file so...the results couldn't have been that great. sry if i spoke too much:P
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lool my game didn't like my color xD

lol man that's really apocalyptic like:D nice, although you can't really play with that sky cuz it's not good for your eyes:snorkel: .anyway...i took the code apart in both timeenv0 and timeenv1, and after one hour or so of copy and paste,copy and paste...i came up with this...thinking it will help me understand the code behind the code...how is SkyBoxColor corelated with HazeringColor...:scratch:
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i'm not sure where i'm going with this...but this is my last analysis :D only now can i edit my sky properly...hope i get it right :D,,,hmm i forgot about the cloud color :sp_ike: never mind, when i'll make a good sky i'll post some screenshots, back to work :)
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