[Help] Item Skin Attatch


Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
k heres the thing. i have the items and everything, but when i tried to spawn it it says image not ready or somthin like tat. i have the skins for it but im not sure how to add them to the actual files. i kno this is an old topic as well but no one seemed to answer so im posting again. if anyone knos how to add the skins for items please post here for me.
cuz with the admin client u gave me it says conn... to rPT and on the top it says rPristonTale which makes me feel useless cuz i gotta use some other server's files. so i wanna find out how to add the skins to the game. thers prolyl some hexing involved, so if anyone has the info for it plz gimme a shout.
okey. can u send me ur files? over msn or somthin, or i can open up a new network on hami and u can get it to me like dat. u kno my msn so msg me dere