[Help] Itemcombination

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Jan 14, 2007
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Gurgaon, India
i hve 2 itemcombination files
1st is the the normal crafting file & other 100% success crafting file..
but there is some problems in the 100% sucess crafting file i.e. i cant craft treasure of destruction & g9 uniques using 100% success files...
is there any way to correct this problem?? i have got a tool (Raf71`s) that converts itemcombination to txt but no tool to convert it back to itemcombination :(
can anyone post a full working 100% sucess itemcombination file or way to correct it.. i have read the previous disscusions but didnt got any help :(
hope anyone can help...
the best way to edit "itemcombination" is by hexing it, check previous posts this have already been discussed.

I no hawe item to covert .txt to normal itemcombination. dastorm is corect, if need edit must used hex editor.
ok i ll try ...
but 1 more question... how do u edit those bin files??
means if i need to change some stuffs availiable in shops i need to change the GL.ull
i got the tool to convert the ull files to bin files but how will i edit those bin files?? by hexing??
i tried hexing the bin files but i cant understand the strange letters & words in it O.o
Shops (GL) no need hexing, using shop tool, convert GL.ull to A3DATA.xls, edit, and convert .xls to GL.ull. Next write changes in shops txt files from server. If you changed in shops from Quanato and Temos you need changed not only shops file (1000,1001,1002 etc.), you need changed too NPC.txt in shop folder. Shops in Hartel and Clorence only changed shops file, no NPC.txt.
ummm btw wats this shop tool??
can u upload that tool here or if already uploaded then plz tell me the name of that tool so that i can search for it :P

i wanna ask some more questions
see this screenshot ...
these error messages...
i donno how these files affects the server & wats the use of these files but can anyone tell how can i correct it?
1. petCounter
i have got the petCounter.0 file but i donno where to paste it to correct this error message
donno how to fix it.
3.Item Present List Data File


  • zoneserver - [Help] Itemcombination - RaGEZONE Forums
    81.8 KB · Views: 164
The Shop tool is already uploaded on the forums. You can search for "A3 Shop Tool" - I remember it being posted by that name. It is a ULL to TAB converter which gives you out a excel file with the list.

PetCounter is the file that stores the information of the kind of shues owned by that particular character. The missing of that file will prevent the creation of logs regarding the shue exchange and breeding by that particular character.
You need to paste the PetCounter0 file in your A3 Log folder both on Drive C and D. PetCounter varies for each world index and the index number must be hex edited.

AgitManager and AgitOwnership are the place establishment files. They give that error as most of the ZoneServer.exe files are not customed to accept the file from the same directory and this needs to be edited once again.

ItemPresentList is a file that keeps the track of all the items available on the server side including the event items. More items can be added using this.

Here is the file if you do not have it already. I do not think it is uploaded onto the forums.


I have A3ShopFileTool.exe to convert gl.ull to A3DATA.xls and edit it but i dont know how convert A3DATA.xls to gl.ull again, do i need a3shoptool or another file?
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