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[Help] Login.mrs quest items

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
sydney australia
Hi all i was wondering if anyone knew how to make Church your login.mrs or w/e and if anyone knew why i keep "Maiet Error Report" when i view the quest items =(
for the MAIET error, you need another gunz runnable, you could take LG's one, but give them credits!

For church, some guy gave me a link, but i lost it... i think LG have it too...

But once again, give them credits
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There is the Church Login, I got this from the LG client but then LGKeiz didn't make it himself so you don't need to credit him since the exact same file is available in MANY other places even before LGKeiz released it.
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When have you known everyone on this forum to search before they ask questions? ^^

Hell that quest item bug question has been asked and answered a million times already.
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Buga, how did you make snow town? I haven't tried it myself, but you need to name the map login for it to work, and snow town needs snow in the name to make the snow fall. Unless, will it work with snow in all the map files themselves, as long as the camera coords are in the RS.XML and the MRS is named Login?
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