[Help]Make a GameMaster L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 29, 2007
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Hi, i want to know , what i have to change in the Database to make an Account as GM, please help me. Tablename and what entries ?
Re: Make a GameMaster

I have a preconfigurated Server and all accounts i make, are Gamemaster In Game. If try to change the accesslvl from 100 to 0, thats right, on the homepage they dont can change something but if they log on the game, they are GMs. Do you know, why ?
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Re: Make a GameMaster

schafx... i saw your problem... u said that every new char is GM,.,, so.. for that look into

# If next switch set to true every created character will have access level 200.
EverybodyHasAdminRights = False
turn this false... and voilla ;)
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Re: Make a GameMaster

here is the problem of schafx:
schafx said:
I have a preconfigurated Server and all accounts i make, are Gamemaster In Game. If try to change the accesslvl from 100 to 0, thats right, on the homepage they dont can change something but if they log on the game, they are GMs. Do you know, why ?
.. so this option
# If next switch set to true every created character will have access level 200.
EverybodyHasAdminRights = False
is turned on... u need to turn it off :)
;) read carefully next time >D
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Re: Make a GameMaster

schafx... i saw your problem... u said that every new char is GM,.,, so.. for that look into

turn this false... and voilla ;)

yea, that was it.
You are the best !!!!

The name of the File was options.properties
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Re: Make a GameMaster

lol this is the simpliest thing ... my grandma can make a gm without her eyes
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