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[help]making new weapon

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
My house
Ok well I need help adding a new weapon to my game.And I need to learn how to add it.Like lets say i wanna use breaker for it.But at same time keep the one that in shop.like i wanna know to to rename that and stuff please help.
-Change the item id to a number that isn't being used.

-Edit the attributes of the item.

-Change the item name from "STR:blah_blah01" to "MY FREAKING GUN LOL" or open strings.xml, find blah_blah01, change the name there. Same thing goes for description.
Here's an example:
<ITEM id="4" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_4"

You could copy this entire item and paste it at the bottom of your zitem.xml, then start editing the copy.  Note: I did not show the entire item.

<ITEM id="30001" name="SUPA BIG CRAZY ROCKET"

-Save your zitem.xml, copy it and paste it over the one in your matchserver folder.

-Pack your system.mrs with the new zitem.xml. The syntax to pack is: mrs.exe c foldername. Remember to put the new system.mrs in your Gunz client folder.

-Add that item number of the new item to shop.xml in your matchserver folder. Example:
<SELL itemid="30001" />

Then you should be good to go.
Contact me on msn if you need any help: [email protected]
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i do that and i get some crazy error when i try to run matchserver

Is it something like "MatchServer.exe has requested to be terminated in an unusual way"?

You probably screwed something up in zitem, prolly a careless mistake like forgetting to close a tag or not adding a quotation mark. Post what you added and I'll look at it.
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look this is what i did i copied breaker 8 (item id 6006)and pasted it at bottom.I changed id number to 20001 cause its not in use.I named it "kill bill".Than i quit and save.Than i go to strings and copy breaker 8 line and paste it under i leave everything except change id number and name to "kill bill" than i exit pack put zitem and strings to matchserver.Than i open shop in matchserver and add item 20001 under first dagger.I run game everything works.But when i play the weapon aint in shop.What am i doing wrong?
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Odd. You did something wrong, or else it would show. The description is just too vague. did you check the ENTIRE shop and make sure it's not there? If it's FOR SURE not there, then post the parts of strings, zitem, and shop you edited so I can see them. 'Cause right now you're being a bit vague and I can't really tell what's happening.
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yup its not there.Here this is what i put in bottom of zitem.xml
 <ITEM id="20001" name="Breaker 0" mesh_name="shotgun03" totalpoint="0" type="range"
  res_sex="a" res_level="0" slot="range" weapon="shotgun" weight="5" bt_price="20000"
  delay="500" damage="1000" ctrl_ability="60" magazine="10" maxbullet="50" reloadtime="5"
  slug_output="true" gadget_id="0" hp="0" ap="0" maxwt="100" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0"
  lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" image_id="2" bullet_image_id="0" magazine_image_id="0" snd_reload="we_shotgunpa_reload"
  snd_fire="we_shotgunpa_fire" snd_dryfire="762arifle_dryfire" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_6006"
  effect_id="7" />
btw made new name to bearker 0
This is what i put in string.xml after all shotguns
<STR id="ZITEM_NAME_20001">Breaker 0</STR>
<STR id="ZITEM_DESC_20001">New shotgun produced by Arn, which is quite famous for the breaker series of shotguns.</STR>
and this is what i put in shop.xml incase it helps.
<SELL itemid="20001" />
So please tell me what i did wrong.
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That 6006 defines what description to use in strings.xml. It would not cause your error.

I don't see anything wrong there honestly. It might be the effectid="7" at the end. Not sure what that attribute does.
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