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[Help] Making Normal Items drop in Quest

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Loyal Member
Apr 12, 2004
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I was trying to make equippable weapons that dropped during Quest. It doesn't seem possible though.

So I figured I could make an SQL trigger for the LGKiez DB that does the following:

When a specific quest item is in a players inventory, let's say itemid 1234, that item is replaced by an equipable weapon with itemid 9999

Can someone please help me with this? I have no idea how to create an SQL trigger.
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Re: [Help] Creating an SQL Trigger

I'm not sure about SQL trigger, but I'm almost sure you can just edit droptable.xml for your quest drops with no SQL needed.

If you change the itemid of a drop in droptable.xml to the itemid of a nonquest item, it will not drop.
Also, I tried adding a normal item to zquestitem.xml, it showed up as a quest bible ingame.

I think that maybe I can add a new itemtype for quest items, and give that itemtype the attributes of a weapon.. But I don't know where quest item types are defined..
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Re: [Help] Creating an SQL Trigger

Regarding the SQL method of changing quest items to normal items, apparently I didn't need to make a trigger afterall. It's obvious I am a noob with SQL. Anyway, I figured out how to make a query that will suit my needs.

SET ItemID=('25')
WHERE ItemID=('200001')

Simple enough. =]

The only problem is, how do I make this query execute automatically on a schedule? As in every 5 minutes or so.

I was thinking maybe I could add it to one of the stored procedures, suchas dbo.spUpdateCharInfoData. Problem is, I don't know the proper syntax to add the above Query to one of the Stored Procedures.

If I could do that (add the query to a stored procedure that exucutes at the end of every match or so), then I could just replace the name of the quest item being replaced with the name of the item I'm replacing it with, and it would seem as if a player was simply picking up the final item during the quest.

If it has to be scheduled to execute every minute or 5 minutes or so, I could change the quest item being replaced into one of those little gifts, and change the description to something like, "This gift is wrapped really well.. it's gonna take you like 5 minutes to open it.. :P".
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