Help Me Please L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 3, 2007
Reaction score
Hello guys
When my server works 2-3 hours hapens very strange thing if im in game i can`t open my inventory , map nothing but i can walk and i can`t restart or shutdown the game . When i restart my computer and start the game im trying to login im going tru the login screen to the list of servers but when i press ok nothing happens . Im looking on the game server window and there are no errors or messages . My server works on windows XP . Please help me whith this what i should do now . Excuse me for my bad english .
Look you FireWall for open ports : 2106, 7777, 80 and acces to internet.
Then reinstall your client and\or server. Thet post results here. and plz screenshots too.
Hi ,
tnx for you answer , yes in my firewall this ports was setet to TCP there is options " BOTH " and " UDP " i setet i now to " BOTH " is this write ? Ok i will make screenshots now and post the here later .
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