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Help Me Pleasy ADMS

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 27, 2014
Reaction score
Staff in my hk (housekeeping) has a tool to give users vip rank the hotel is set in my way when you vip to a user the first time he gets 1 month of vip, vip if that month is over and you give he wins another one month normally, but when I'm doing this for a member who already has a month of vip invez him to win another 1 month, he ends up winning + 6 months.

The request is that I wanted to edit this option to give out instead of 6 months of VIP that wanted only a month to this process is cumulative and I can give both of months because I want to sell vip plan periods like 1 month 2 months 3 months and the way it is're not giving because when two months will enable the invez to give more one month of 6 months.

I need a setup for what I'm asking that meets or hk to what was quoted above. I'll be waiting I thank you. If they need the vip tools here this script:

if($user_rank > 6){
if($hkzone !== true){ header("Location: index.php?throwBack=true"); exit; }if(!session_is_registered(acp)){ header("Location: index.php?p=login"); exit; }
$pagename = "Usuários VIP";$pageid = "viptool";
if($do == "delete" && $_GET['key']){
	$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vip WHERE id_user = '".$key."'");	if(mysql_num_rows($check) > 0){
		$user_check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '".$key."' LIMIT 1");		$userdata = mysql_fetch_assoc($user_check);
		mysql_query("DELETE FROM vip WHERE id_user = '".$key."'") or die(mysql_error());		mysql_query("DELETE FROM user_badges WHERE user_id = '".$key."' AND badge_id = 'VIP'") or die(mysql_error());		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET rank = '1', vip = '0' WHERE id = '".$key."'") or die(mysql_error());                mysql_query("INSERT INTO cms_alerts (userid,alert) VALUES ('".$userdata['id']."','Você agora é parte do Hobba VIP!')");		$msg = "<div class='rounded rounded-green'><center>".$userdata['username']." Foi removido da lista de usuários VIP <img src=\"./images/check.gif\"></center></div>";
	}else{		$msg = "<div class='rounded rounded-red'><center>Não foi possível encontrar este usuário.<img src=\"./images/del.gif\"></center></div>";	}
}elseif($do == "add" && $_POST['vip']){
	// $timened = time() + 15552000;	$timeend2 = time() + 1296000 * 2;
	$user_check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '".$_POST['vip']."' LIMIT 1");	$userdata = mysql_fetch_assoc($user_check);
	$badge_check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_badges WHERE user_id = '".$userdata['id']."' and badge_id = 'VIP'");
	$vip_check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vip WHERE id_user = '".$userdata['id']."' LIMIT 1");	$vip = mysql_fetch_assoc($vip_check);
	if(mysql_num_rows($user_check) > 0){
		if(mysql_num_rows($vip_check) > 0){
			mysql_query("UPDATE vip SET timestampend = '".$vip['timestampend']."' + 15552000 WHERE id_user = '".$userdata['id']."'") or die(mysql_error());			$msg = "<div class='rounded rounded-green'><center>".$_POST['vip']." añadir seis meses más <img src=\"./images/check.gif\"></center></div>";			} else {
			if(mysql_num_rows($badge_check) < 1){				mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_badges (user_id,badge_id,badge_slot) VALUES ('".$userdata['id']."','VIP','0')") or die(mysql_error());			}
			mysql_query("UPDATE users SET vip_points = vip_points + 70000, rank = '2', vip = '1' WHERE id = '".$userdata['id']."'") or die(mysql_error());			mysql_query("INSERT INTO vip (id_user,timestamp,timestampend) VALUES ('".$userdata['id']."','".time()."','".$timeend2."')") or die(mysql_error());			mysql_query("INSERT INTO cms_alerts (userid,alert) VALUES ('".$userdata['id']."','Você agora faz parte do Hobba VIP!')");					$msg = "<div class='rounded rounded-green'><center>".$_POST['vip']." Recebeu o VIP corretamente! <img src=\"./images/check.gif\"></center></div><br>";		}	} else {		$msg = "<div class='rounded rounded-red'><center>Não foi possível encontrar este usuário! <img src=\"./images/del.gif\"></center></div><br>";	}} [USER=813494]include[/USER]('subheader.php');
if(isset($msg)){ ?><p><strong><?php echo $msg; ?></p></strong><?php } ?> <form action='<?php echo $adminpath; ?>/index/p/viptool&do=add' method='post' name='theAdminForm' id='theAdminForm'><div class='tableborder'><div class='tableheaderalt'><center>Usuários VIP</center></div>
<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' align='center' border='0'><tr><td class='tablerow1'  width='40%'  valign='middle'><strong>Nome de usuário</strong><div class='graytext'>Digite o nome do usuário que tornará VIP</div></td><td class='tablerow2'  width='60%'  valign='middle'><input type='text' name='vip' value="<?php echo $_POST['name']; ?>" size='30' class='textinput'></td></tr>
<tr><tr><td align='center' class='tablesubheader' colspan='2' ><input type='submit' value='Torná-lo VIP' class='realbutton' accesskey='s'></td></tr></form></table></div><br />
 <div class='tableborder'> <div class='tableheaderalt'><center>Usuários VIP atualmente</center></div> <table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>
 <tr>  <td class='tablesubheader' width='20%' align='center'>Nome de usuário</td>  <td class='tablesubheader' width='15%' align='center'>E-mail</td>  <td class='tablesubheader' width='15%' align='center'>IP</td>  <td class='tablesubheader' width='10%' align='center'>VIP desde</td>  <td class='tablesubheader' width='10%' align='center'>Termina em</td>  <td class='tablesubheader' width='5%' align='center'>Editar usuário</td> </tr>
$get_vip = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vip ORDER BY timestampend") or die(mysql_error());while($vip = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_vip)){
$get_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '".$vip['id_user']."'");while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_user)){
if($row['online'] >= 1){ $online = "online"; } else { $online = "offline"; } 
<tr>  <td class='tablerow1' align='left'><?php echo $row['username']; ?> (ID: <?php echo $row['id']; ?>)</td>  <td class='tablerow1' align='left'><?php echo $row['mail']; ?></td>  <td class='tablerow1' align='left'><?php echo $row['ip_last']; ?></td>  <td class='tablerow1' align='left'><?php echo date('d/m/Y', $vip['timestamp']); ?></td>  <td class='tablerow1' align='left'><?php echo date('d/m/Y', $vip['timestampend']); ?></td>  <td class='tablerow2' align='center'><a href='<?php echo $adminpath; ?>/index/p/users_edit&key=<?php echo $vip['id_user']; ?>'><img src='./images/edit.gif' alt='Edit User Data'></a> <a href='<?php echo $adminpath; ?>/index/p/viptool&do=delete&key=<?php echo $vip['id_user']; ?>'><img src='./images/del.gif' alt='Edit User Data'></a></td></tr>
<?php } } ?>  </table></div>	 </div>	 </td></tr></table></div><!-- / OUTERDIV -->
<?php require_once('footer.php'); } else { require_once('error.php'); exit; } ?>