Help me With Ragezone x32 L2O 

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
Greetings. At me to you such question. Download I Ragezone oficial pack (x32) But there were problems. There there are no folders l2comm, l2logd not all files of start. pozhalujsto who Downloads this pack also established Help. Give Files All that is necessary. And still when I try to start l2npc the mistake takes off and to close. Help To come and play My Problem GM.
Hi... im searchin the ragezone 32bits and im comming crazy con i cant found it...

I have the folders u need, but u have folders that i need... Please upload the server files and post a link and ill do the same with the files u need.

Where is the link of 32x bit ragezone pack?